Cricket Facts

Cricket Facts
Cricket is an insect that belongs to the order Orthoptera. There are over 900 species of crickets that are divided in couple of groups, based on their morphology and type of habitat. Crickets can be found throughout the world. They can survive in various habitats, including forests, meadows, fields, rocky areas and caves. Some of them live under the ground. Crickets are best known by the song they produce. They are symbol of good luck. People of China were holding crickets as pets in the past. Most species of crickets are numerous in the wild. Some species of crickets are facing uncertain future due to habitat loss (crickets cannot fly and they often disappear along with their habitats). Because of that, several species of crickets are listed as endangered.
Interesting Cricket Facts:
Size of crickets depends on the species. They are usually 1 to 2 inches long.
Crickets can be black, red, brown or green in color.
Most species of crickets have flattened body and two pairs of membranous wings.
Crickets have one pair of one inch long antennas, called feelers. Antennas can detect movement of the prey and facilitate finding of food.
Crickets have excellent eyesight. Their eyes (known as compound eyes) consist of large number of lenses which ensure visualization of different pictures at the same time.
Only male crickets produce song. They have comb-like structures (toothed areas) on their wings which produce chirping sound when male rubs its wings. Chirps are mostly used to attract females and during the mating ritual. Other than that, males can produce specific type of chirps as a sign of aggression toward other males.
Intensity of chirps depends on the temperature. Outer temperature (in Fahrenheit degrees) can be determined by adding 37 to the number of chirps produced in 15 seconds. Higher temperature is associated with more frequent chirps.
Most species of crickets live on the ground, but some of them live under the ground, inside the caves, or high on the trees.
Even though crickets have wings, they do not fly. Crickets can jump or travel short distances by producing jerky moves.
Crickets are active during the night (nocturnal creatures).
Crickets are omnivores (eat plants and other animals). Their diet includes various types of insects, fungi and plant materials.
Frogs, lizards, turtles and large spiders are main predators of crickets. These cute insects are also consumed as delicacy in certain parts of Asia.
Crickets lay eggs in autumn. Eggs remain incubated during the cold winter period and hatch at the beginning of spring. Crickets have incomplete metamorphosis which consists of three developmental stages: egg, nymph and adult insect.
Crickets molt as they grow. Young insects look like miniature version of adults.
Crickets do not have long lifespan. They can survive up to one year in the wild.

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